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Kale Doenjang Guk (Korean Soybean Paste Soup with Kale)

From Statesboro Market2Go

<p>A super nutritional soup that uses locally grown kale and butternut squash! Please consider leaving a picture or comment if you decide to try this recipe!</p>
Servings: 4
Ingredient keywords: kale, butternut, broth, garlic, vinegar, lemon
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Kale falafel

From Farm Where Life is Good

<p>With all of the cucumbers, I couldn&#8217;t pass on falafels. We had a great dinner of them last night. I cheated and used a box-mix that I found hidden on a back shelf (it was late!), but here is a recipe I have used before. Spice variations abound, so I have included some suggestions.)</p>
Source: Adapted from
Servings: 2-4
Ingredient keywords: kale, garlic
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Kale Harvest Salad

From Lathemtown Farm Fresh Market

<p>This baby kale salad has kabocha squash, dried cranberries, pumpkin seeds and feta with an apple cider vinegar dressing. <br /> The colors and flavors make it lovely for fall. And if your tastebuds are anything like mine, you’re going to <span class="caps">LOVE</span> it.</p> Vegetarian!
Servings: Serves 2
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Kale Pakoras

From Statesboro Market2Go

<p>These crispy &amp; savory fried patties make a great snack or party appetizer! Please note that while the recipe is vegan, the ketchup options listed below may not be. Please consider leaving a picture or comment if you decide to try this recipe!</p> Vegetarian! Vegan!
Servings: 24 patties
Ingredient keywords: kale, greens, turnip, collard, lemon, onion, pepper, oil, ketchup
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Kale Quiche

From Cedar Grove Farm

<p>Another delicious thing to do with all those greens. This recipe is among my top 5 for kale dishes.</p> Vegetarian!
Source: Becky Harmon
Servings: 2-4
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Kale ready for easy Green smoothies

From Yalaha, FL

<p>This isn&#8217;t really a recipe but more a quick tip for how to easily/quickly utilize Kale and other greens.<br /> I do this for Kale and swiss chard and beet greens but you could really do it with any greens including collards, spinach, swiss chard, broccoli leaves, turnip greens, and anything else you might like in a smoothie.</p> Vegetarian! Vegan!
Source: Aleece B. Landis (but I'm sure I heard it from some one else somewhere.
Servings: As many or as little as you like
Ingredient keywords: Kale, Salad, Freezer, Swiss, Collard
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Kale Salad

From Carolina Foothills, SC

<p>I love this salad , especially in the colder months. I use more root veggies.</p> Vegetarian! Vegan!
Source: My own concoction !
Servings: Feeds one person ( if that's all you eat) or many at a potluck.
Ingredient keywords: Kale, Onion, Peppers, Diakon, Beets, Tomatoes, Lemon, Olive, Vinegar, Braggs
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Kale Salad

From Joyful Noise Acres Farm

<p>A refreshing raw salad or lightly steam the kale and add the dressing for a delicious side dish.</p> Vegetarian!
Source: Joyful Noise Acres Farm
Servings: 6-8
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Kale Salad

From Statesboro Market2Go

<p>This the healthiest salad you will ever eat! I love eating it like cole slaw or on rosemary flatbread! I use Healthy Hollow&#8217;s touscan kale, but other kinds can be used.</p> Vegetarian! Vegan!
Source: Karen Smith
Servings: 6-8 as a side dish
Ingredient keywords: Kale, tahini, soy, lemon, garlic
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Kale Soup

From The Wednesday Market

<p>This has been a favorite of family and friends for many years. <br /> I make it vegetarian with out the sausage or use a sausage substitute &amp; vegetable broth. <br /> Either way this one is ummmmm good!</p>
Source: Brenda
Servings: about 8 servings
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