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Kombucha Tea

From Suwanee Whole Life Co-op

<p>Easy Beginner Recipe to start making a wonderful probiotic healthy drink using the <span class="caps">SCOBY</span> from the co-op market</p>
Source: Taken from many recipes
Servings: 1 Gallon
Ingredient keywords: scoby
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Korean Bone-In Short Ribs

From Statesboro Market2Go

<p>These sticky, savory short ribs are simple to make and easy to enjoy! Please consider leaving a picture or comment if you decide to try this recipe!</p>
Servings: 6
Ingredient keywords: beef, potato, carrot, sesame, onion, garlic, apple, broth, sesame, ginger, paprika, pear, sesame, onion
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Kream of Mushroom Soup

From Superior Seasons

<p>Try out this vegan Kream soup recipe- it will have you switching over from using a dairy base for your soup, guaranteed! So rich and creamy.</p> <p><span class="caps">NOTE</span>::::: ThIS IS <span class="caps">THE</span> <span class="caps">BEST</span> <span class="caps">MUSHROOM</span> <span class="caps">SOUP</span> I&#8217;VE <span class="caps">EVER</span> <span class="caps">HAD</span>; <span class="caps">EVER</span>!!!</p> Vegetarian! Vegan!
Source: Beautiful-Vegan's Ebook "Conscious Evolution: Delicious, compassionate living"
Servings: 2 lg bowls or 3 med bowls
Ingredient keywords: mushrooms, nut, garlic, sea, pepper, nutritional, portabello, raw
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Kumquat Honey Sorbet

From Statesboro Market2Go

<p>A sweet treat made from local goodies!</p> Vegetarian!
Servings: 6
Ingredient keywords: kumquat, honey, mint, kumquat
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Kumquat Pecan Bread

From Statesboro Market2Go

<p>A sweet fruit bread that makes a wonderful breakfast treat! Please consider leaving a picture or comment if you decide to try this recipe!</p> Vegetarian!
Source: (by user NorthwestGal)
Servings: 12
Ingredient keywords: milk, egg, oil, flour, kumquat, pecan
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Kumquat Salad with Citrus Dressing

From Statesboro Market2Go

<p>A colorful and flavorful salad made with locally grown citrus and greens! Please consider leaving a picture or comment if you decide to try this recipe!</p> Vegetarian!
Servings: 4-6
Ingredient keywords: greens, kumquat, pecan, feta, lemon, lime, citrus, honey, oil, seasoning
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Kumquat Salsa

From Statesboro Market2Go

<p>A tangy fruit salsa that&#8217;s great for chips or to add a kick of color and flavor to a savory meal! Please note that while the salsa recipe itself is vegan, serving suggestions may not be. Please consider leaving a picture or comment if you decide to try this recipe!</p> Vegetarian! Vegan!
Servings: 2 1/2 cups
Ingredient keywords: kumquat, onion, cilantro, oil, seasoning, seasoning, seasoning, mango, avocado, chips, shrimp, salmon, halibut, bass, steak, chicken
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Kung Pao

From Farm Where Life is Good

<p>Lots of ingredients but fairly easy to find them all in the Asian section of the supermarket. Great way to eat up those fresh bell peppers and treat family and friends to some custom &#8220;take-out&#8221; right from your own kitchen!</p>
Source: Adapted from: Serving up the Harvest by Andrea Chesman
Servings: 4
Ingredient keywords: seitan, hoisin, sesame, garlic, pepper, pepper, pepper, chestnuts, onion, peanut, rice
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Lacto Fermented Dilly'iscious Green Beans

From Miami County Locally Grown

<p>What an awesome probiotic filled snack! Salty, Crunchy and full of nutrients!</p> <p>The ancient Greeks understood that important chemical changes took place during this type of fermentation. Their name for this change was “alchemy.” Like the fermentation of dairy products, preservation of vegetables and fruits by the process of lacto-fermentation has numerous advantages beyond those of simple preservation. The proliferation of lactobacilli in fermented vegetables enhances their digestibility and increases vitamin levels. These beneficial organisms produce numerous helpful enzymes as well as antibiotic and anticarcinogenic substances. Their main by-product, lactic acid, not only keeps vegetables and fruits in a state of perfect preservation but also promotes the growth of healthy flora throughout the intestine. Other alchemical by-products include hydrogen peroxide and small amounts of benzoic acid. Copyright: From: Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats by Sally Fallon with Mary G. Enig, PhD. © 1999. All Rights Reserved.</p> <p>Yield: 1 quart</p> Vegetarian! Vegan!
Source: Rosebud's Ranch and Garden, LLC
Servings: 8 servings
Ingredient keywords: Beans, Garlic, Dilly'iscious, Unrefined
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Lacy Corn Bread

From Statesboro Locally Grown

<p>This is old-timey cornbread. Some people call it “hoe cakes.” It will look like a flat pancake with crinkly edges when it’s ready. You need plain cornmeal. Self-rising cornmeal will not give the right texture (it will be too thick).</p> Vegetarian!
Source: Paula Freeman
Servings: 3 or 4
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