The Weblog
This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.
To visit the authoring market’s website, click on the market name located in the entry’s title.
ALFN Local Food Club: Market Reminder
Remember to finalize your order before noon tomorrow when the market closes for this week.
Take advantage of the new products in the market such as Marconi peppers and garlic. Melons are still in production and there are still plenty of carnivorous choices from lamb to ground beef.
Enjoy your week. We’ll see you on Saturday!
Kyle Holton
Program & Market Manager
Martin's Farmstand: Big cabbage and chicks
Another busy summer day is drawing to close. There is a goodness in the tired that results from meaningful physical labor. The sleep of a laboring man is sweet the Bible says.
It is midsummer now and there is a growing selection of good food at our stand. This evening Levi came in with eleven huge cabbage heads from his patch. As a group they weighed in at 125 lbs! We also have a selection of smaller cabbage. The carrots have grown a lot in the last week and we are starting to offer them with the tops off. The first sweet corn still is not ready. I think it may be ready by the weekend or sometime next week.
Cherie Whitten found a good source for meat chicks. There were 3300 chicks and there are still several hunderd of them for sale. If you wish to buy some you can either contact Cherie at 328-5559 or we have a couple hundred here. We should also have an abundance of chicken meat for sale in about 8-10 weeks from now. Daniel
Yalaha, FL: July 20-23 ordering Window
Market is open for ordering. Please say when you would like to pick up when you place your order.
Offerings are still minimal but that is what happens to most farms during summer in Florida.
Old99Farm Market: Old 99 Farm week of July 19 2015
Enjoying the weather? when you look at the continental maps for temperature anomalies we are the sweet spot around the great lakes, very little deviation from ‘normal’. See that white zone? But overall, it’s a scorcher and on track to be the hottest year on record: here’s the link to the full story.
Here’s a map showing what I mean.
The lettuce is feeling the heat, starting to bolt, but the sweet potato plants are loving it. Lots of zucchini, beans are in flower, and raspberries! I have yet to see such a crop. I’ll have prepicked and U-pick open this week.
There are pasture raised roasting chickens in the freezer, whole, halfs or quarters.
Palatine Fruit next week. Place your order: I have so far a box of cherries for Joe, Irene, Lenore and Norma. Tell me if I missed you or you decline.
Healthy eating,
Ian and Cami
GFM : Eating Good and Healthy
The market is open for orders, Vendors are also at the physical market on Wednesdays, from 3 to 6 pm and Saturdays from 8 am to 1 pm (or sellout) and believe me, they do sell out early. So come early to get the very best.
And some of our vendors have produce by the bushel, so if you are wanting to do some canning,please let that vendor know and if they can accommodate you they will be more than happy to.
Thank you, and Happy Eating !
Judy and the Vendors of the Greeneville Farmers Market
Tullahoma Locally Grown: Your Market is Open Until Wednesday at Noon
Hello Tullahoma Locally Grown Market Shoppers.
Your market is open until noon on Wednesday. You’ll see many exciting products such as the Gilbertie Paste Tomatoes from KIC Produce.
Also, check out the scratch-made Pretzel Rolls and Gluten-Free Blueberry Coffee Cakes.
Proudly sponsored by Fuel So Good Coffee Roasters.
Northeast Georgia Locally Grown: Locally Grown - Availability for July 22, 2014
Hey Local Food Lovers,
No messages this week, just thanks and appreciation to each of you for eating Local Foods and supporting Local Farmers. Best way to do that is to eat local every week, better yet every day! The only way you can do that is to support local markets, csa’s etc. and we do think that you’ll find Locally Grown is one of the best sources for a broad diversity of products from a wide diversity of farmers, and very convenient too. Just a few clicks and then only a few minutes to pick up on Wednesdays after work and voila! You can EAT WELL!
Many thanks,
Justin, Chuck, Teri and Andrew
South Cumberland Farmer's Market: Customer Notes to Growers...
Just a reminder: If you have information for the Grower, please make sure it goes into the area on your order provided for that. Notes to the Managers about Growers’ products or your product preferences in their products might not be picked up by us and re-entered so the Grower gets it in time.
Kir and Linda
Heirloom Living Market Lawrenceville : Reminder to Order!
Market Closes at 8:00pm TONIGHT!
Thank you to those who have already placed orders!
Apologies if this is a duplicate reminder. It appeared that the earlier reminder I sent was processed by the system; however, I did not receive a copy so I am resending!
Apologies if this is a duplicate reminder. It appeared that the earlier reminder I sent was processed by the system; however, I did not receive a copy so I am resending!
Markets close at 8:00pm Monday. Please remember that minimums must be met for each Market to ensure delivery by our Farmers! Be sure and get your order in and thank you for supporting our LOCAL Farmers!
Crossfit / Lawrenceville Market Pickup Hours
You may pick up the items you ordered starting at 2:30pm. Market will end at 5:30pm; however, you may pickup later if you have contacted me and you make payment prior to pickup. We now have other payments options available. Please call me on Monday and I will discuss the other options with you and answer any questions. You can reach me at 404-432-4337.
Pickup at Crossfit Market
Pickup Day and Time: Thursday 2:30pm – 5:30pm (later by appt only!)
Pickup Location: Crossfit O-Zone
519 Hurricane Shoals Road NE
Lawrenceville, GA 30046
Click Here for Map
Order now since you are just a click way!